For Residents

Flexibility to move anytime, for any reason

Our flexible leasing platform gives you the freedom to move on your own terms. Sign your lease with the confidence of knowing you can move or cancel anytime, for any reason.

Family using laptops on couch
Our Platform

Flexibility to move on your own terms

Our flexible leasing platform adds on to any lease agreement and empowers you with the flexibility to move or cancel your lease anytime, for any reason.

Lease Flexibility

Flexibility to move anytime, for any reason

Make any lease flexible, with the freedom to relocate anytime with up to six months of vacancy coverage.

Lease Cancellation

Flexibility to cancel your move-in

Secure your spot in high-demand properties up to 12 months in advance of move-in with the flexibility to cancel anytime.

How much could you save on an early move?

Save up to $16,987 on an early move (from a $1,943/month apartment) for a new job, unexpected life change, or any other curveball life throws at you.

Your costs with a traditional lease break

30 to 60 day notice period
1/2 to 1 months rent in re-leasing fees
Pay back leasing incentives to your landlord
1 to 3 months rent in lease break fees
Rent until your landlord finds a new tenant
2 to 4 months rent for a lease buyout

With our flexible leasing platform

Move or cancel anytime, for any reason
Up to 6 months rent in covered costs
$500 flat fee to cover admin costs
Lease Flexibility

Flexibility for life’s unexpected changes

Life happens. Give yourself the peace of mind of knowing you're not locked in your lease. Whether it's a job transfer, family emergency, or personal circumstances, you have the flexibility to adapt to anything life throws your way.


Coverage for administrative fees

Up to $500 in coverage for fees your landlord may charge you for the actual moving process.
6 mo.

Coverage for outstanding rent

Up to 6 complete months of rent coverage when you move before the end of your lease.
Man unloading boxes from moving truck
Lease Cancellation

Secure your spot without renter's remorse

You have to move fast to secure the best apartments in today's housing market. Lock in yoru spot with the peace of mind of knowing you can change your mind with cancellation coverage.

12 mo.

Window to cancel your move-in

Secure your spot up to 12 months in advance of your move-in date with full flexibility to cancel.


Coverage for administrative fees

Up to $500 in coverage for fees your landlord may charge you for the actual cancellation process.

Main at desk with laptop

How does flexible leasing work?

Find an apartment

Find an apartment that you're happy with
Complete the apartment rental application

Before you purchase a flexible leasing product, you should find an apartment that you're ready to sign with.

We recommend that you complete your rental application first, to make sure that you're qualified and the process is smooth.

If your apartment is already enrolled for flexible leasing, you might even be eligible for a discounted price through building management.

ReLease step one - find an apartment

Sign up for flexible leasing

Add your apartment details during signup

Once you've found an apartment, you can sign up for the flexible leasing product of your choice.

By signing up, you can see if your apartment is eligible for flexible leasing, and what it will cost you to sign up.

To sign up, you don't need to have a signed lease agreement complete. You won't be charged until you activate your product with a signed and completed lease agreement with building management.

ReLease step two - sign up

Activate your flexible lease

Sign your lease agreement
Upload your lease and ID at

To activate your flexible lease, you'll need to upload a copy of your signed lease and a piece of government-issued ID. Once we have verified these documents, which typically takes less than 48 hours, your product will be activated.

You won't be charged until your lease and ID have been verified and your product is activated.

If you choose monthly recurring payments, you will be charged at the same time as rent on the first of each month.

ReLease step three - activate coverage

Move and cancel your lease instantly

Move or cancel at
Confirm good standing with building

While your product is active, you can move or cancel your lease instantly through our app.

We'll confirm that you're in good standing with building management, and start the move-out process when you're ready.

You can track the status of your move in real time through our app as well.

ReLease step 4 - move out

We take care of notices and fees

Respond to any questions from ReLease
Save your confirmation for record-keeping

Once you've confirmed your move, we'll automatically take care of notices and fees with building management. If there are any additional questions we need your help with, we'll notify you by email and online.

Once your move or cancellation is finalized, we'll send you a final confirmation for your records.

Once your move or cancellation is finalized, future monthly payments will be automatically cancelled. If you are moving to a new apartment, payments can applied to a new flexible lease for a returning customer discount.

ReLease step five - we handle fees and notices

Ready to get started?

Cheerful friends indoors in apartment

Activate your products

Live in an enrolled building? Activate your products

If you signed a lease and your building manager has already enrolled you for flexible leasing, activate it below.

Recommend flexible leasing to your building manager

Want to get the best price on our flexible leasing platform? Help us by recommending ReLease to your building manager below.

Get started with flexible leasing by yourself

If you don't live in a building that's already enrolled for flexible leasing, you can still sign up by yourself with the link below.